Change a Font Awesome icon on hover (using content) + Sopler news!

Hi everyone! The past few days, we made some major updates on Sopler that we started designing a long time ago.

It is now possible to set a due date or edit your items using a brand new options menu. Also, when you enter a YouTube link, a (auto-scalable) player will appear on the list! 🙂

Nonetheless, this post concerns changing a Font Awesome icon to another Font Awesome icon when the first one is on hover.

Firstly, I came across this post and a few (unrelated but helpful) answers on Stack Overflow that used the content property. Then, I thought that this might work pretty well and it did.

For example,

  <div class="divclass">
    <i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i>

using this CSS:


.divclass:hover .fa-circle-o:before{

OK, the div element will be a full-width rectangle (use your Developer Toolbar to check what’s going on), but you can modify it later. Anyway, the result is:

It might be trivial but it’s also a lot easier than other implementations I’ve seen so far.