Introducing Sopler, a new open web application!

Here are some exciting news: The last two of months I’ve been part of a promising project. We made a web application that uses open standards (and it’s open source). It’s called Sopler and we are the Sopler project. I worked on the UI/UX design part  (meaning, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery etc) and oh boy…I’ve learned a lot of new stuff (like Bootstrap 3, FirefoxOS etc) and there are lot’s of things to post on this blog in the near future.

What can you do with Sopler? Make a list, add some items and share the link with your friends.They can add or check some items, make comments etc…

Sopler is still in Beta but you can check our code on Github. Enjoy our new video (with english & greek subtitles available):

What can’t you see in the video? Sopler can “remember” all previous lists of an authorized user (who signed in using a social account), plus, his privileges over any item are greater than those of a non-authorized user.

That’s because a social account profile makes a user unique and in this way it’s easy to map a user to his list.

Yes, Sopler is on many social networks too: Facebook, Twitter & Google+

So, see you soon with more news 🙂

6 thoughts on “Introducing Sopler, a new open web application!”

  1. Nice work! When the width of the browser becomes inferior to a certain amount you get a few pixels of horizontal scrolling which happens on mobile. It would be nice if it was just vertical scolling.

    1. Hi @nicalsilva once again thanks for the feedback! The problem has been fixed.

      In case anyone cares about the problem, it’s a Bootstrap 3 bug that has a temporary fix of hidding the horizontal bar (which is pretty much useless anyway in our case). So for the real fix, we’ll be waiting for the next version of Bootstrap that won’t have this problem.

    2. Unfortunately, this fix is creating another bug on the mobile Firefox. So, I’ll have to think of a better workaround or wait for the real fix on Bootstrap 3. Thanks again.

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